Abraham's Learning Curve: Hagar and Ismael

Today on PREPPED, join James Spencer, PhD, as we unpack the complexities of Abraham’s journey, exploring how moments of tension, trust, and obedience shaped his legacy.

From Abraham’s decision to father a child with Hagar to the reaffirmation of God’s promise with Sarah, we examine how attempts to fulfill divine plans through human means can lead to conflict. Through the stories of Ishmael and Isaac, Abram and Lot, and Esau and Jacob, we explore the recurring theme of separation—and how God’s purposes prevail despite human missteps.

In this episode, we’ll also take a closer look at Genesis 22, where Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac reveals an unwavering trust in God’s timing and plans. By highlighting God’s sovereign will—choosing Isaac over Ishmael and Ephraim over Manasseh—we reflect on how God’s ways often defy cultural norms and challenge our understanding.

Join us for this thought-provoking discussion as we embrace the complexity of trusting in God’s faithfulness—even when His plans seem delayed or impossible.